
Game of war tier 4 troops
Game of war tier 4 troops

game of war tier 4 troops

It requires massive amounts of prerequisite research to even begin to tackle the research just to train these high end troops.

  • Elite Mooks: Any tier 4 troops that you can train.
  • A good example is windmills appearing on your farms around level 8 or your mine suddenly changing to a big gaping red hole of a quarry at level 21.
  • Elaborate Equals Effective: As you upgrade each building type in your stronghold, it'll get either bigger, more elaborate or complex signifying its upgraded status.
  • Originally Lv.21, it has now exceeeded Lv.1100.
  • Like many MMOs, the game also places a cap on the highest level your Stronghold (main building) can achieve like many MMOs, this Cap is periodically raised.
  • Want that level 21 stronghold? Nope! Gotta upgrade these 15 building types and do this batch of research to do that!
  • Cap: Just about every step of the way in building up your veritable fortress, you are blocked by prerequisite buildings or research walls that you MUST complete before progressing in your build for power.
  • In compensation, their bonuses are often cranked Up to Eleven.
  • Breakable Weapons: "Core" Equipment can be equipped on the player's Hero, but immediately begins decaying most of them won't last longer than an hour.
  • You can sometimes get free gold from the daily chests or alliance monster chests, but it's quicker to just buy the gold with real money.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: The currency of the game is gold, which can be used to buy multitudes of items from the game store but is ultimately used for speed-ups which decrease the time spent waiting for research, buildings or training of troops.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit: You can only train so many troops at a time until you either upgrade your Barracks, build more Barracks or do the time consuming research to train more in one fell swoop.
  • This is the Fire Age, not the Age of Fire.
  • Ancient Grome: the art direction for the game.
  • game of war tier 4 troops

    Though monsters originally started off confined to Greek Mythology, they have since branched out to almost every culture you could think of. All Myths Are True: the flavor of the game.Game of War: Fire Age contains examples of:

    Game of war tier 4 troops